A very simple recipe for home fries
Here is a shorty, because it is a recipe that I went to make a few weeks ago, and realized is not actually in Fave Recipes. I had assumed it was, because my dad taught me how to make it, and it's one of my favorites, but sometimes I guess things are so simple they don't even require writing down? (I suppose I can now never complain about his recipes not making sense because everything that follows also probably won't.) In any case, I meant to send this out a few weeks ago and thought, eh, this isn't important enough, but then I made them again last night and realized that who cares, they are delicious. So here I go, sharing it. It is not canon. But it is good.
These home fries require only the following: really any kind of potato (I usually do russets or Yukon golds but you can also do small red or small any color and I guess even sweet potatoes, which are technically yams, but I digress), onion, garlic, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Also a cast iron pan.
Heat a bit of oil in the pan on medium heat. Scrub the potatoes, and cut them, depending on the shape, either into long, french fry-esque strips, or little medallions. Throw them in the pan and salt and pepper them. Meanwhile, garlic press or mince a few garlic cloves and dice some onion. (Exact proportions here don't really matter but basically, the more potatoes, the more of everything else, duh.) Once the potatoes have cooked a bit and you can tell they're getting color and softening, throw the garlic and onion in. Stir semi-regularly so all the sides are hit with the heat, adjusting if they're getting too seared but not cooked through enough. When they are cooked through and have turned a nice golden brown on some sides (which will take about 20 minutes), you can take them off, but feel free to let them go a bit longer; they'll break down and the flavors will really start to meld. Definitely take them off before the garlic gets too dark.
If you need SOME sort of ratio to start, in these photos I used: three russets, a quarter of a big Spanish onion, four garlic cloves, enough olive oil to coat (maybe a tablespoon or more), salt and pepper to taste (so a lot).
They are a perfect side to a veggie burger (see above) or a patty melt or even by themselves with a salad if you are feeding only yourself and feeling fancy.